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RMT - the National <a href=

Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers - is Britain's fastest growing trade union, representing more than 80,000 members in almost every sector of

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Krijim: 05/05/2011 08:54
Update: 05/05/2011 08:55
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rmt-1 :: RMT - the National

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikull: RMT - the National RMT - 05/05/2011 08:55

RMT - the National RMT
Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers - is Britain's fastest growing trade union, representing more than 80,000 members in almost every sector of the transport industry, from mainline and underground rail to shipping and offshore, buses and road-freight. today announced strike dates after members voted by almost two to one for strike action in a ballot of all train operator and instructor operator members in the on-going disputes over the victimisation of union activists including two driver members - Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas - over their trade union activities.RMT MapleStory May 03 2011: With more data out this morning showing that another half a million jobs are under threat, and that family budgets have been slashed by nearly a thousand pounds a year as a result of ConDem cuts, RMT General Secretary Bob Crow has accused the political class, led by Nick Clegg and David Cameron, of setting up this week’s AV referendum vote in a deliberate attempt to divert attention from harsh economic realities. MapleStory RMT Moved or changed job? It is imperative that RMT members who have changed their place of work, job title, home address and contact details inform head office of their new situation. Click heading for further info